Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Closet Clean-Out: Transformation #1

In case you haven't watched the news or don't live in the U.S... it's been COLD! So painting projects are currently on hold, as it needs to be at least 50 degrees to spray paint. I did pick up a couple of rejected paint pots at Home Depot the other day, though, so perhaps I'll do some hand-painting in the basement...

Anyway, I started my first sewing project from the Transform box, and I'd say things went relatively smoothly, given my lack of sewing instruction. Thank God for YouTube, right?! :)

So, if you'll remember, this slip made it into the Transform box because it's too long and too white:

First things first, it needed to be hemmed. After watching a few instructional videos on the internet, I got started by cutting off the existing hem:

Yikes! No going back now...

I don't have a serger, so I tried zig-zagging the raw edge. That did not go so well:

After several attempts, I finally gave up on that and just rolled the hem, sewing the raw edge all folded up into the new hem. I had my favorite helper there, as always.

This was an initial failed attempt. I actually sewed the
hem from the inside of the slip.

It wasn't perfect, but remember, no one is supposed to see the slip anyway!

I was actually pretty proud of myself for sewing this slippery fabric with only a few thread tangles and fabric bunches.  However, my helper did not have the patience for my many mess-ups and stitch-ripping breaks.

Once the slip was shortened, it was time to dye it a darker color! I got these Rit dye packs in black from Michael's, and after mulling over the various dying options I decided to use the bucket method. I was too worried about staining the inside of our landlord's washing machine.

Have you ever dyed fabric? You have to stir constantly... for 10 to 30 minutes according to the package directions. So the downside of the bucket method is that I had to stand over the sink, stirring the dye bath... After about 10 minutes I decided the slip was dark enough.

Pretty cool, huh? From here it was as simple as rinsing, hand-washing, and air-drying. The fabric did not darken all the way to black... perhaps if I had stirred for 30 minutes... But it is a nice plum color now. :)

These pictures were taken on the same carpet. Ah, the importance of good lighting!

I'm excited to try out my 'new' slip with one of my dresses. Especially now, in the winter time, when there is so much static cling.

Transformation #1 = COMPLETE!

1 comment:

  1. Great looking new slip. I hate wrestling with those slinky fabrics but you did it. Good going.

