Sunday, October 13, 2013

Computer Cleanse: Day 1

It's 7:36, and I'm starting my 20 minutes of nightly blogging time NOW!

Today marks the first day of my attempt at whittling down my internet time. The day started, as might be expected, with blog-browsing, before I remembered that today is Sunday and I'm not supposed to be on the internet! Oops.

Anyway, the rest of the day went great after that. It's amazing how long the day felt - how much time I had on my hands. And every time I found myself with time to kill, I was drawn toward the computer and internet. I've been using the internet as a time-killer. A way to use up my day.

So, rather than surf the internet today, here's what I (we) did:

  • This morning, after breakfast, Ted and I went for a 1.5 hour walk around town. We stopped at Starbucks, then walked around taking photos, picked up Ted's bike at the rec center, then walked back home. It was great! The weather was beautiful, and it felt good to move around. Here are 2 of the photos I took of the fall colors:

  • I watched the kitties play outside. I can honestly say, I don't think there's anything cuter than watching a cat chase a grasshopper.
  • I spent some time planning lessons and grading, again feeling the pull toward the internet to find some lesson plans online and check email. 
  • We went to the library and got Ted a library card. I also checked out A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard, the girl (now young woman) who was kidnapped in Tahoe at age 11 and was discovered 18 years later with 2 daughters of her own. I've already started reading it - another can't-put-it-down book, I think!
  • I crocheted or started to crochet 3 different projects - a stuffed eggplant, a baby washcloth, and a baby stuffed toy. The baby things are not for me, by the way!
  • I did break down and watch an episode of America's Next Top Model on, while I was crocheting. That was my only internet slip-up!
  • I took a nap. Aaahhhhhh.....! Before falling asleep I did a crossword puzzle.
  • Finally, Ted and I went out to dinner because I just didn't feel like cooking tonight. 
Overall, the day felt long, with lots of time to get things done. 

I definitely noticed that I was drawn to my computer and the internet when I found myself with time to spend. It took a focused effort to avoid the computer and focus on other things around me! I'm looking forward to using my extra time this week to continue my crochet projects, clean up the house a bit, and read the books I have checked out from the library. I'm also planning on hiking outside as much as I can while the weather is so nice!

Did anyone else lay off the internet today?

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